
Get-Mailbox queries and -filter {}

I tried doing some get-mailbox queries recently with the -filter {property -like "*this*"} business, but could not get things going. I come to find out that the -organizationalunit and -recipientypedetails are not available in the -filter {} argument code block. This is because they are their own special purpose arguments. For instance get-mailbox -organziationalunit "corp.pvt/NorthAmerica/Accounts/General/" will get all the mailboxes in the North American General Accounts OU structure.

-recipienttypedetails legacymailbox; is how you find the 2003 mailboxes in your system during co-existence.

Somethings like DistinguishedName work fine with the -filter{} argument.

Any of these methods are preferred over get-mailbox | where {$_.attribute -like "*String*"}

I should mention my environment is entirely SP1 2010.


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